The Hochkeil Snowboardmuseum offers insight into the history of snowboarding. The boards can be viewed and touched in the showroom near the Hochkeilhaus. There you can really feel and touch how the boards developed over the years.
100 boards in the showroom show insights from prehistoric times, the predecessor, the Snurfer era and modern snowboarding! At different spots in the Team Hostel Hochkeilhaus small exhibition areas show details about different snowboard history topics.
Over 1000 boards are also available for events, shootings and exhibitions. In our natural snow area Hochkeil there are also regular oldschool sessions!
Opening hours showroom: Hochkeilhaus Wednesday afternoon, guided tours on request
„Boards – A Brief Histroy of the Snowboard“ is available again!
F&W Druck & Mediencenter, the German company that did the (eco friendly and HQ) printing, does the logistics. The web is in German only but the book is 100% English ;)

Here some preview pages:

Some excerpts from reviews:
FM4 Radio, Simon Welebil: „…ein Prachtband zum Eintauchen und Schmökern.“
Manuela Mandl, Freeride World Champion: „Die Snowboard Bibel…“
Comment in a collectors group: „BOARDS is the best snowboard book ever.“
The book: „Boards – A Brief History of The Snowboard“
Snowboarding is older than you think! Starting with the predecessors like surfboards, skis or the Knappenross covering the beginnings with the Snurfer, Wintersticks, Sims, Burton and many more up to the modern snowboard this book takes you to snowboardings roots. Get to know the evolution of the snowboard in Peter Radacher’s book.

- 224 pages
- English editing by Tom Copsey
- Graphics and editorial editing by Lilo Krebernik
- Illustrations by Mac Krebernik
- Photographs by Bud Fawcett, Joel Gomez, Adam Moran, Jeff Curtes, Andreas Monsberger, Mike Mandl and others.
- ISBN 978-3-9519848-0-3
- Price: Euro 59,90 + shipping
Peter Radacher Mandlwandstr. 105 | A-5505 Mühlbach/Hochkönig Tel.: +43 (0) 6467 / 7070
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